Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am such a goober

Last night, I sat in a Starbucks for the first time. I'll be 39 next month. Can you believe it?! I've never actually "sat" in a coffee shop before. It was pretty interesting seeing the other types of people who were sitting in there. I was there for a quick meeting with the ladies in the Fundraising group at Little Man's pre-school. I wish I could say I was there doing something cooler but the truth is I wasn't. I am so not cool.


Michele said...

Hey, you weren't sitting there alone, so you're already way cooler than me.

smizzo said...

Do it again, but next time bring your laptop so you can blog! :)

Sissy said...

LOL @ Michele!
I love people watching at SB, it's so much fun!

i1chocolat said...

Agree with smizzo :D